Dark Tales from the Tarot
Dark Tales from the Tarot is a recurring competition for flash fiction horror, with each contest driven by the themes of a randomly drawn tarot card. Our use of the tarot is not meant to be understood as a divination practice, but rather as a means of incorporating symbolism and random chance into the act of horror fiction inspiration and writing.
Previous winners for Dark Tales from the Tarot are published below.
Author: Cullen Wade
Card: Ten of Wands
The way it works is this: everybody sets their weight loss target and we all pay into the pot. If you don’t meet your goal, the money you put in gets evenly distributed to everybody who does. But here’s the secret: Americans are weak.
Author: Rae Patterson
Card: Nine of Cups
Others had tried to find the wreck, others who believed the rumors that the legendary ruby, the Sangre del Diablo, had been on the Doncella when it went down so many years ago, but no one had ever come back with anything, not even information.
Author: K. A. Roy
Card: The Hermit
There were five instances where my companion came screaming out of me in all her glory. Red and luminous, pulsing with hunger, and so, so angry.