The Deeps
Issue 1
cover art copyright 2023 by Red Lagoe
Editor’s Preface
Benjamin Vandersluis
A Cautionary Tale
Luc Diamant
In the Thundering House
Danny Fantom
Stranger than Shitty Sheets and Rubber Ding-Dongs
Mathew Gostelow
Cynthia Zhang
The Leaking Faucet
Ngô Bình Anh Khoa
The Female Pygmalion
Anya Leigh Josephs
A Hollow Comes Before the Sting
Alyson Grauer
genius loci
Rachel Linton
House Rules
Kay Hanifen
The Sea-Change
Sara Omer
Inner Dark
Rory Say
Blood of the Sea
E. Seneca
The Widow’s Cottage
Kurt Newton
The Sins of Scrivel
Matthew McConkey